Eclipse Glasses

We have Eclipse Glasses in 5 piece bundles! Click this link for the Eclipse Glasses page in our store

Backyard Stargazing

Backyard Stargazing is a surprisingly simple and rewarding experience. In just one night you can learn to identify constellations and find objects like Globular Clusters, Nebulae, Supernova Remnants, Double Stars, and more!

New Feature – Billie’s Blog

Billie’s Blog is a new feature on bringing you quick bits of interesting information, explanations, Astronomy News, and general information for the amateur astronomer.

How to Use The Night Sky – Quick Guide

With The Night Sky™ planisphere you will be up and running and locating constellations within minutes. The most popular and lowest distortion star chart on the market.

Planisphere or App?

Now that smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous many people ask us why we don’t publish a planisphere app instead of continuing to sell physical planispheres. The answer is that, in this case, there are several advantages to the physical format. more…

Why the Red Light?

Why do you need a red light to read your charts at night? It can take up to 45 minutes for the human eye to completely adapt to darkness as a protein called Rhodopsin builds up in the rod cells. Once your night vision is adapted you might be surprised …

Billie’s Blog – Magnitude

Magnitude – N. A reference to the brightness of an object in the night sky. 2,300 years ago when the Greeks looked up in the night sky, they described the brightest stars they saw as First magnitude. The faintest stars they could make out they described as Sixth magnitude. The rest fell somewhere in between. […]

Why You Need a Sky Atlas

A New Telescope This Christmas? During the Christmas season we are often asked our opinion about the best beginner telescopes for a Christmas gift. There are a great many good quality telescopes on the market now at reasonable prices so it is not too difficult to get a reasonably capable instrument. In truth, however, there […]