El Cielo Nocturno

El Cielo Nocturno
Our Spanish version of The Night Sky

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The Night Sky is available in Spanish! El Cielo Nocturno is available for four latitude zones covering the tremendous north-south range of the Spanish-speaking world. The chart is constructed from heavy, durable coated cardboard. The Hemisferio Norte and Hemisferio Sur versions are die cut for 40° north and south latitudes, and the Tropico del Norte and Tropico del Sur versions are die cut for 20° north and south latitudes. All four versions also have “trim lines” on the back (see below) to allow adjustment for the precise local latitude, all the way to the equator. The constellation names remain in the standard Latin, but the rest of the text was carefully translated and reviewed by native speakers from different countries, the goal being “neutral Spanish” for use in all Spanish-speaking countries.

How To Use The Night Sky Planisphere

How to Use The Night Sky – Quick Guide

With The Night Sky™ planisphere you will be up and running and locating constellations within minutes. The most popular and lowest distortion star chart on the market.

ElCieloBackDetail1Detail of the trim lines and some of the text on the back side of the Hemisferio Norte chart.

South American customers can now purchase Spanish charts from Telescopios Chile

Shop for Spanish Language Versions

We are currently seeking additional international distributors. Contact Us if you feel you are in a good position to supply schools and retail outlets throughout your country or region.